The holidays are approaching, and the New Year is right around the corner. So why not BEAT your resolution to declutter ahead of time this year?

Did you know that decluttering your business or home can provide a wide range of benefits?

  • It can improve physical health by reducing pests, dust, mold, and mildew.
  • It helps to reduce the stress associated with material possessions, organization and cleaning. A decluttered space is more relaxing and calming, which is valuable in the workspace or home. Clutter and disorganization can hamper your ability to think creatively and focus. This can drastically affect your home and office life.
  • Decluttering can help improve your overall lifestyle and even your bottom line. An organized space leads to efficiency and improved productivity.
  • Decluttering can help you find things when you need them. How many times have you looked for something only to find it buried under a pile of clutter? When your home is decluttered, everything has its own place and is easy to find.
  • It can also help improve your relationships! Your family members (including your mother-in-law) can no longer comment on the state of your home. It is also important to note that, in a recent survey, a third of respondents said they have ended a relationship because of disagreements over chores. This applies to business owners also! Removing that clutter and mess will reduce your employee’s stress and improve their daily routine.
  • Decluttering can help you save money. If you’re constantly buying things to replace what you already have, it’s time to declutter. When you get rid of the things you don’t need, you’ll be surprised at how much money you save both at home and in the office.

Now that you know the BENEFITS of decluttering, take advantage of these tips on HOW to get it done!

Acknowledging your clutter is the first step to controlling, organizing, and reducing it. Did you know that 78% of Americans know they have too much clutter but don’t know how to fix it?

The next step to decluttering is to get organized. This means creating a space for everything and removing anything that doesn’t belong. Once you have a plan and know what goes where it will be much easier to keep your home clean and clutter-free. In business especially, the Lean 5S methodology can be helpful.

Start by going through each room, storage space, or closet, sorting everything into piles. Keep, donate, and trash are the three main categories. Anything that you no longer need or use can be donated or thrown away. Be ruthless in your decluttering efforts, and don’t keep anything just because you think you might use it someday.

The next step is to create a system for everything. This could mean investing in some organizing bins, filing cabinets, and baskets or simply using what you already have. Finally, label everything so that you always know where things go. A little organization will go a long way in keeping your space decluttered.

Finally, commit yourself to declutter regularly. Set aside time each week or month to go through items and eliminate anything you don’t need. The more you declutter, the easier it will become, and the more you can take advantage of all the benefits listed above.

Decluttering before the holidays can also help you prepare for family visits, company parties, and more! Don’t miss these tips for holiday/winter decluttering:

  • Store your seasonal clothes or business equipment.
  • Deep clean your kitchen and bathroom, tossing unnecessary items and outdated food.
  • Remove any unwanted holiday decorations.
  • Go room by room, following the above instructions.
  • Deep clean nooks and hidden “catch-alls.”
  • Have your employee or family members join in and organize their areas also.
  • Reorganize and decorate your freshly organized space.

Finally, knowing what to do with everything you’ve decided to get rid of is essential.

When decluttering your home or business, sometimes it’s best to leave it to the professionals. If you have a lot of stuff to get rid of, hiring a pickup service is an excellent option for the items you can’t donate.

Fortunately for you, Duke’s Rolloff is here to help! Our family-owned company has been serving the area for over 40 years.

At Duke’s Rolloff, we take pride in our small business approach: providing industry-leading practices and service with a sincere focus on the ongoing satisfaction of our customers.

We work closely with our customers to arrange for the best option for your decluttering project. Neen a bin delivered for a future pickup? We’ve got you covered. Need a bulk pickup?

Contact us today, and we’ll get you scheduled for a pickup.

If you follow these steps, you’ll be well on your way to decluttering your business or home and keeping it that way. It takes effort and dedication, but having a clean and organized business or home is worth it.